Plastic Free July 2020: Join the Challenge!

We are in July, which means it's PLASTIC FREE JULY again!

2020 is the 10th edition. It’s so exciting to see this movement growing every year. In 2019, over 250 million people from 177 countries pledged to reduce plastic waste in July: organizers evaluated that participants collectively prevented 825 million kgs of plastic waste.

Let's raise the bar in 2020, join the new challenge!

Here’s how to get ready:

1- Go to Plastic Free July website and take the pledge

2- Get inspired by other people’s stories on the page “What others do”.

3- Print their Action Picker page and choose what you’re going to do next.

4- Spread the word: challenge your family, friends, coworkers.

As for us, this year we’ve decided that we will talk about a variety of environmental issues beyond plastic cups and straws. Stay tuned to learn tips, information, and action items on issues ranging from environmental justice to recycling to COVID-19.

All the topics and links will be posted below. We hope this will be helpful during your plastic free journey!

people united against plastic pollution

Day 1: Reusables and COVID 19

Day 2: Plastic Peak Foundation

Day 4: Buy Nothing Project

Day 5: Environmental Justice: Plastic Production 

Day 6: Gardening

Day 7: Food Deserts and Plastic Waste

Day 9: It's All Connected

Day 10: Our Favorite Unpackaged Products!

Day 11: Food Waste and Gardening 

Day 13: Money-Saving Plastic Free Swaps

Day 14: Offset Your Carbon Emissions 

Day 15: Farmers' Markets

Day 16: Call On Companies to Reduce Plastics  

Day 17: Secondhand Furniture 

Day 19: Compost

Day 21: Support Restaurants and Reduce Waste

Day 23: A Sustainable Garden

Day 25: Offset your Carbon Footprint

Day 27: DIY with Bulk Ingredients

Day 29: Eco-Friendly Renovation Tips

Day 31: More Local Plastic Free Solutions!


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