
Shaving Cream


These herb infused, moisturizing shave creams offer an effortless razor glide and leaves skin silky, shiny smooth! It is ALL NATURAL and MEGA Moisturizing! Perfect for all areas of the body needing shaving, from the most gentle parts to the most rough faces.

Vegan, cruelty-free (leaping bunny certified), plastic-free. The main ingredients come from a local organic farm.

Packaging: beautiful, infinitely recyclable glass jars with metal cap. You can reuse them or return them to us, we will give them away in our bulk store.

Directions: Apply a thin layer to rinsed skin (a little goes a long way). Shave and rinse razor thoroughly (with soap and hot water).

Net weight: 8oz or 2oz

Made in Utah.

Ingredients: Raw shea butter, Hawaiian macadamia nut oil, virgin coconut oil, arrow root, vegetable glycerine, sodium bicarbonate (aluminum FREE baking soda), tochopherol, essential oils blends.

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