Brush with Bamboo

Stainless Steel Tongue Cleaner


This is the highest quality tongue scraper on the market today, made by our partner Brush with Bamboo: 100% stainless steel, rounded and smoothed edges to prevent cuts, and thick durable handles.

This tongue scraper is built to last and we’re positive you’ll have a great experience with it.

Metal tongue scrapers have been traditionally used all across the world for centuries – they are far more effective and hygienic than plastic ones.

Dimensions: Approx 5.5 inches/13.5 cm tall. Approx 1 ounce/28 grams in weight.

Package free 

Made sustainably in India.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tongue Cleaner

I've been meaning to find a replacement for a tongue cleaner that I had that was plastic and ended up getting moldy. This is perfect, my tongue feels so clean after each use, and this tongue cleaner is so easy to clean since it is stainless steel.

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